The proclamation of the Good News of Christ to those who have not yet heard of it, especially the poor and most abandoned, in Africa and among peoples of African origin. It expresses fidelity to the charism of the Founder.
Justice, peace and integration of creation
We strive to answer questions of justice and peace, particularly by engaging and campaigning against human trafficking in collaboration with the OLA Sisters.
Human development
Through youth empowerment programs. We pay particular attention to the youth through our SMA Youths ministry among other activities.
Interreligious and intercultural dialogues
we endeavour to promote dialogue and cooperation with other religions and beliefs. We also engage different cultures wherever we are present.
About us
Our Founder’s Missionary Resolutions
- To be a missionary from the bottom of my heart
- To neglect nothing that will advance the work of God
- To seize every opportunity of preaching the Word of God
- Lastly, and it is for this above all that I implore Your blessing, to use every available means, all my strength, all my mind, towards the training of a native clergy
Do you feel called to spread the good news to the ends of the earth as a missionary priest?
“The harvest is rich but the labourers are few…” Matt. 9:37
The Lord is still in search of labourers to bring in the harvest. He is inviting you to labour in his vineyard and help to gather the harvest into his barn, the Kingdom of Heaven.
If you are considering answering the Lord’s call as a missionary to other nations, click the button below to learn more about the SMA Fathers.
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YOU can also be part of the MISSION by supporting US
“If we want to have a reasonable hope of any success worthy of our cause, we will need both plenty of men and plenty of money”
– Msgr. Marion de Bresillac
The success of the mission hinges on the availability of plenty of “2 Ms”: Men and Money. Neither of these is indispensable; they both go together for the accomplishment of the command of Christ to bring the gospel to the ends of the earth.
Men are available but we need your help to train them and support them on the mission. You can do this by:
Becoming an active member of the SMA MISSION SUPPORT GROUP (MSG)
Making contributions towards the training of seminarians and support our priests in mission
The Provincial Team
Rev. Fr. Zinsu Emmanuel, SMA
Provincal Superior
Rev. Fr. Nikpi Claude, SMA
Vice Provincal Superior
Rev. Fr. Nomhwange Joseph, SMA
Provincial Councillor
Rev. Fr. Egbe Osbert, SMA
Provincial Councillor
Rev. Fr. Chinwuba Henry, SMA
Provincial Secretary
Rev. Fr. Acheneje Charles, SMA
Provincial Bursar