1. To promote the mission of our Lord Jesus Christ through the charism and spirit of the SMA
  2. To build up a strong missionary movement in Nigeria independent of, but in close collaboration with, the Society of African Missions.


  1. To build up awareness of our common Christian call to mission.
  2. To foster family vocations and promote the Society of African Missions in, and through, the Bight of Benin District – in-Formation.
  3. To develop our own missionary charism in the exercise of our call to mission
  4. To encourage people to pray for candidates who will commit themselves to the priesthood and for the success of our missionary work.
  5. To collaborate with other lay members, Religious and Priests so as to support the missionary movement through SMA Mission Groups. 
  6. To be committed to living the gospel by collaborating with the SMA to reach out to the most abandoned.
  7. To provide financial support for:
  • The education of our SMA students.
  • The support of SMA priests in their work of evangelization in the Bight-of-Benin District-in-Formation and elsewhere as the need arises.
  1. To work for social justice in all its dimensions.

  1. The SMA Mission Support Group is open to working with existing SMA structures.
  2. A contact SMA Priest as assigned by the Province to work with the Support Group.
  3. In accord with the SMA charism, the SMA Support Group will work closely with the local Church.
  4. For proper coordination, there exists:
  • An Annual General Assembly
  • A Regional Council.
  • A Diocesan Mission Support Group Coordinator.
  • A Parish Group Coordinator.
  • The Parish Executive Committee: Members of this committee will be prayer group leaders.
  • SMA Prayer group members: each group with its leader and 5-10 members.


The group is mainly made up of the lay faithful members, but will accept interested non SMA Priests, Religious Sisters and Brothers. Membership is categorised as follows:

  1. Individual membership
  2. Family membership
  3. Student membership
  4. (a)-(c) are further regrouped under the Adult and Youth wings.
  5. Affiliates


  1. Intending new members must possess Christian maturity evident in the practice of their catholic faith and participation in their local Church.
  2. They must possess good personal qualities including sociability, common sense, flexibility, openness, adaptability and a sense of humour. In striving to live the gospel, they need to be non-judgemental and unselfish and have a capacity to empathize with others. They must also show a willingness to live in community and work as a member of a team.
  3. They must be ready for periodic formation to encourage their personal and spiritual development as well as creating an awareness of the SMA mission and Charism.
  4. They must be people who are open to multi-cultural relationship.


  1. Daily individual/family prayers as in the Mission Support Group membership booklet.
  2. Monthly Prayer Group meetings.
  3. General meetings
  4. June 25th – founder’s day
  5. ecember 8th – Foundation day
  6. Annual Regional and Diocesan Retreat Day for members
  7. Annual ‘send-forth’ of new Priests on mission.
  8. Participation in ordinations
  9. Soliciting financial and other material support for the SMA missions.
  10. Annual youth camp organised for the youths.


  1. Daily prayers common to SMA Priests and all Group members.
  2. Monthly inclusion of Group members in special Masses for their intentions.
  3. Special prayer requests (death, illness, celebration, etc.) attended to through Contact Priest.
  4. Sharing of news/information through a regular Newsletter.


  1. Family membership: N2,000 (naira) per annum – minimum.
  2. Individual membership: N1,000 (naira) per annum – minimum.
  3. Youth and student membership: N500 (naira) per annum – minimum.
  4. Parish organisation’s internal support – prerogative of each parish organisation.
  5. The support Group is open to owning property and investing for the support of the SMA missions.

NOTE: Recommended contributions exclude no one from registering because of the size of their contribution.