Responding to the demand of Novice Directresses and Directors of various congregations attending the inter-novitiate program in Ibadan, the Provincial Superiors of SMA and OLA made Sr Catherine Esiekpe, OLA, Sr Zita Adigwe, OLA, Fr Ernest Mbam Egbedike, SMA and Fr Basil Soyoye, SMA available to organize and facilitate the 2024 Integral Bonding Workshop from 21st to 25th October 2024. The venue of the workshop was at the SMA Formation House, Bodija Ibadan.
The aim of the workshop was to enhance the capacities of the participants in the areas of Self-awareness; Shared Leadership skills; Community living and Effective Emotional management.
There were 81 participants at the workshop, and they were representing the following congregations and institutes:
- St. Patrick’s Missionary Society (SPS)
- Society of Divine Vocation (SDV) – female
- Oblate of St. Joseph (OSJ) – male
- Oblate of St. Joseph (OSJ) – female
- Sisters of St. Louis (SSL)
- Our Lady of Apostles (OLA)
- Eucharistic Heart of Jesus (EHJ)
- Medical Missionaries of Mary (MMM)
- Daughters of the Holy Spirit (DHS)
- Dominican Sisters of St. Catherine of Sienna (OP)
- Daughters of Charity of the Most Precious Blood (DCMPB)
- Passionist Sisters of St. Paul of the Cross (PSPC)
- Missionary Sisters of Jesus and Mary (MSJM)
- Religious Sisters of Charity (RSC)

Facilitators: From left Sr Zita Adigwe OLA; Fr Ernest Mbam Egbedike SMA; Sr Catherine Esiekpe OLA and Fr Basil Soyoye, SMA