On Sunday 10th November 2024, Rev. Fr. Kishak Gonap, SMA arrived at Mont Thabor, Senegal to attend an international conference on interreligious dialogue organized by the Diocese of Thiès in collaboration with the Institut Des Etudes Orietales (IDEO) in Cairo.
The theme of the three days conference (11th -13th November 2024) was “Le Dialogue Islamo-Chrétien, une chance pour l’Afrique” (Christian Muslim Dialogue, a chance for Africa) was attended by 40 participants experts in Islamology from 15 nationalities. Also present at the conference were the President of the National Association of Imams and Ulemas of Senegal, Imam El Hadji Omar Diene who gave a speech, and Professor Ramatoulaye Diagne Mbengué, rector of the Iba Der Thiam University of Thiès. She also presented a paper on the theme “Religion, religions: dialogues or conflicts? The seminar was the response of the Church in Senegal to the manipulation of religion to divide communities in Senegal and other parts of Africa.
It should be remembered that Rev. Fr. is a graduate of the Pontifical Institute for Arabic and Islamic Studies (PISA) in Rome. He is since October a lecturer at the Institut Catholique Missionnaire d’Abidjan “Catholic Missionary Institute of Abidjan” (ICMA).