The proclamation of the Good News of Christ to those who have not yet heard of it, especially the poor and most abandoned, in Africa and among peoples of African origin. It expresses fidelity to the charism of the Founder.

Justice, peace and integration of creation
We strive to answer questions of justice and peace, particularly by engaging and campaigning against human trafficking in collaboration with the OLA Sisters.

Human development
Through youth empowerment programs. We pay particular attention to the youth through our SMA Youths ministry among other activities.

Interreligious and intercultural dialogues
we endeavour to promote dialogue and cooperation with other religions and beliefs. We also engage different cultures wherever we are present.
The SMA mission prioritize primary evangelization areas and places of special needs focusing primarily on Africa and the people of African origin. SMA members come from Europe, America (North and South), Asia and Africa herself. In all, majority of the SMA members from the very beginning till today have worked in Africa and among the people of African origin.
Being the first Catholic missionary congregation to arrive in some parts of Africa the Society of African Missions (SMA), has been at the fore front of planting churches in African communities and gradually withdrawing as the church become self-sustaining and only maintain a simple presence for the purpose of missionary vocation sourcing and fund raising for the assistance of other dependent churches.
The mission of the SMA in Nigeria has been about evangelization (the preaching of the good news) through education, promotion of primary health care, promotion of dialogue for a peaceful co-existence and the grooming of the youth.